My Baguette Belly :)

Il fait chaud aujourd’hui…tres chaud! Today is the first day since I have been here that I have felt and experienced summer heat….in fact, as I sit her holed up in my little apartment, shutters shut tight blocking the sun’s rays and my fan blasting on high, my iphone reads that the temp outside is a balmy 97… Continue reading My Baguette Belly 🙂

Saturday Night in Paris

It is Saturday night.  I am settled on my couch/bed watching L’Ecole Des Fans, a cute program where children around the age of 5 get to sing a song with one of their favorite French singers.  The kids are asked pretty basic questions prior to their performance (i.e. What is your name? What will you sing? … Continue reading Saturday Night in Paris

Week One as a French Débutante – Fini!

The French word for “beginner” is débutante….kinda nice, I think…and I suppose it is good that I like the word as I am sure I will be using as a self-descriptive adjective for a while! My first week of French classes fell during a week that France also had a national holiday or un jour férié.  Ascension Day… Continue reading Week One as a French Débutante – Fini!