
Glee is the only word that I can find to describe how I felt when my bus pulled into the Sevilla bus station 2 days ago.  This city holds so many fond memories for me from the time I studied here for 3 1/2 months as a junior in college and  from the last time I visited 2 years ago. … Continue reading Sevilla!

Danger! I am now in Europe! :)

The minute I ported on in Tarifa, Spain I felt my checking account starting to drain.  I get weak in the knees for all things European…particularly the shopping, food and wine….and now I am here for an entire month! Dios Mio!!  Any budget I tried to assemble prior to this trip might as well be shredded right… Continue reading Danger! I am now in Europe! 🙂

Too Short a Stay in Chaouen

Just got out of a hot shower to warm up a bit.  Chaouen had a nice, warm day for me today…but it is a mountain town (located in the Rif mountains just inland from Tangiers and Tetuoan) and gets a bit chilly at night.  I slipped on my pink Algerian house dress that was given to me… Continue reading Too Short a Stay in Chaouen

The Camera That Almost Got Away

It is early morning in Chefchaouen, Morocco…well early morning for me, 6:47am.  I just heard a burro bellow out and a rooster sing.  I am snuggled all up in my cozy bed (buy sleep essentials from this site to make up a fluffy cozy bed in your home too) at probably one of the cutest… Continue reading The Camera That Almost Got Away

From Algeria to Morocco

I learned this past 10 days that travel companions are not condusive to consistent blog posts :)!!!  Inch’allah I will do better going forward 🙂 This morning I said good-bye to Algeria and experienced my first rain fall there.  It was tremendous!  Streets were overflowing with water and the highway was a a stand still… Continue reading From Algeria to Morocco

Family Life in Batna

This morning I write this post from inside a travel agency.  I am hijacking the internet (with permission of course)…my friend, Adel, is friends with the owner and so it was decided that instead of going to an internet cafe (and paying for internet use), I would come here. I was worried I would be interrupting… Continue reading Family Life in Batna

The Heart of Algeria

I arrived in Algeria about 2 days ago….pretty much on my death bed :).  That “wonderful” meal I had my last day in Bamako sent my entire body into a tail spin.  It was with much help from Bamako airport officials, doctors and translators that I made it off the floor (usually in pools of… Continue reading The Heart of Algeria

Rewind to Mopti and Sevare

I have just completed a day of pure laziness…and it was wonderful!  My biggest outing was this morning when I decided to walk to the muslim cemetary (incredibly uneventful except I got lost).  After about an hour winding through the streets of Segou relatively unharrassed by people wanting to sell me something (which I considered a… Continue reading Rewind to Mopti and Sevare

Today could have been my favorite day in Mali so far!

My original plans for tonight was to write about my last destination, Mopti and Sevare….but I had such a FANTASTIC experience today I wanted to get typing about the unique events I witnessed today. First of all, I don’t think I can stress enough how much I enjoy this little town of Segou.  Since I… Continue reading Today could have been my favorite day in Mali so far!