Paris Me Manque…


This American girl living in Paris has now become this American girl living in, well, America.

Fifteen days ago I arrived in the great state where I grew-up, Montana.  Since then I have been in my hometown (population: 4027…er, now 28) re-adjusting, re-acclimating and rehabilitating from reverse culture shock after 19 months in France.  Perhaps other than a small village on the Tibetan Plateau, I don’t think I could have chosen a place more unlike Paris to re-wet these American feet.

So here I am in the the country I am proud to be from and the country that I call home. So why can’t I stop thinking and dreaming of Paris?

Maybe because I think I belong there.

In Paris I told people that I would be happy to die there. Granted that is not the most upbeat of declarations from this sunny personality (I would always preface my statement with, “What I am going to say may sound bizarre…”), but it was meant to show my true contentment and comfort in The City of Light.

Falling in love with a city is much like falling in love with a person; your senses come alive, excitement heightens and you discover new pieces of yourself. Possibilities are endless. And like with a cherished lover, over time feelings strengthen, you become more yourself in their presence…even a better version of yourself, and it all just feels right. In Paris, it just felt right.

So what do I miss?

Her streets…

Her language…

Her elegance…

Her beauty…

Her sophistication…

Her flirtatiousness (or was it mine?)…

Her timelessness…

Her cuisine…

Her people…

My people…

Her opulence…


Her wine…


Her icon…

I also miss the little things that made the city feel like it was mine; the patisserie shop worker that would wave and smile to me each time I passed (also alerting me when the citron cheesecake was in!), my walk to the American Church in Paris each Sunday afternoon, visiting my favorite cave du vin to select  a wine for dinner at a friend’s house, settling in at 17:45 to watch my favorite t.v. show, Un Diner Presque Parfait, gracefully navigating cobble stone streets in heels, and…a certain corner of a couch on Rue Budé (*wink*).

While I am indeed happy to be home reconnecting with all my wonderful family and friends here, Paris me manque.

 Home…for now.


Can’t say yet, but I think anything is possible.  

In the meantime, I will be spending the holidays here in Hamilton and will move to Seattle in early 2013.

AND a new adventure I am priming to start is my own business – J.J. Caprices! It will be an online boutique that dazzles visitors with delightful and unique jewelry pieces and home decor from my travels around the globe. I want it to enchant and inspire.  I will share more details soon! Eek! 🙂

The day before I left for Paris on May 10, 2011, I wrote a blog that ended with the below quote:

Il n’y a que deux endroits au monde où l’on puisse vivre heureux:  chez soi et à Paris.

(There are only two places in the world where we can live happy: at home and in Paris.)

-Ernest Hemingway

I followed it with, “Let’s go find out!”  Today I can exuberantly say that no truer words have ever been spoke.


    1. Linda! You made my day…and please, please do take flight on your own adventure soon. AND make sure you send me a link to your blog! 🙂

      “Life is either a great adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

    1. Jerome! I am so happy you found my blog, and more happy you liked it! You are in France, right? I would say you are quite lucky to live in such a beautiful country…bisous

  1. Coucou Jennifer,
    Paris vous manque mais vous manquez certainement à Paris…I wish you all the best for you business.

  2. hoo i’m glag my fire works pics are into you’r view of the city 🙂
    yea u miss paris and paris missed you, and… you’r
    spontanious and enjoying personnality full of happyness to dicovered new places!!!

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